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Tej ai Sullivan “El Nuevo Rey del Pop- The Ultimate Thri
Tej ai Sullivan “El Nuevo Rey del Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
Tej ai Sullivan -The New King of Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
¿Miley Cyrus y Justin Bieber en una cita?
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April 19, 2024
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¿Qué es la Depresión?; Revista Guatemala se refirió con La Licenciada en Psicología Clínica Fani Franco quien nos lo explica a continuación: ...
Buenos Hábitos Alimenticios para los Niños
Importante para la vida de todo niño es una buena alimentación. La experta nutricionista Licda. Ana Elisa Pacheco fue contactada por Revista Guatema...
Guatemala: Presuntos robacamiones son aprehendidos
En una rápida acción policial, en la 4ª avenida y 1ª calle, colonia Venecia II, zona 4 de Villa Nueva. Los presuntos responsables de robar un cam...
Concierto de The Cornell University Chorus en Antigua Guatemala
La Iglesia de La Merced en Antigua Guatemala recibió en concierto al Coro de la Universidad de Cornell con sede en Ithaca, Nueva York quienes Brinda...
 Tej ai Sullivan “El Nuevo Rey del Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
Casi un año ha pasado desde que “El Rey del Pop- Michael Jackson murió, el hombre que vendió mas de 750 millones de discos al rededor del mundo, y marco un Nuevo record mund ...
 Tej ai Sullivan -The New King of Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
Almost one year has passed since -The King Of Pop- Michael Jackson died, the man who sold 750 million records worldwide, and broke a Guiness World Record in 1988 when 504,000 peopl ...
| New York News Magazine

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Patente Estadounidense, Cable flexible palanca brazo para sistema de dirección.
US Patent, flexible cable lever arm steering system.
El Skoda Fabia un supermini muy limpio
TVR SAGARIS: the beast.
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Fri, April 19 2024
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New York Magazine
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Tej ai Sullivan “El Nuevo Rey del Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
Tej ai Sullivan -The New King of Pop- The Ultimate Thriller
¿Miley Cyrus y Justin Bieber en una cita?
Miley Cyrus Celebra el final de Hannah Montana
Health & Medicine
Hypercholesterolemia - High Blood cholesterol
Cuidemos nuestra piel.
La Vitamina E Protege los Pulmones de las Mujeres
(EPOC) Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.
Family, Home & Progress
Patente Estadounidense, Cable flexible palanca brazo para sistema de dirección.
US Patent, flexible cable lever arm steering system.
Como Decorar Nuestra Cocina.
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Alergología and Inmunología Anestesiología Cardiology Cardiovascular General Surgery Surgery Clinical Plastic Surgery Medical Control of Infecciones and Hospitable Epidemiología Dermatology Diabetes Diagnosis by Images Metabolic Endocrinología and Osteopatías Emergentología Gastroenterology Gynecology Hepatología Hematology History of the Infectología Medicine Medicine of Deporte Medicine of the Work Nuclear Medicine Nefrología Neumonología Neurosurgery Neurology Nutrition Ophtalmology Oncología Ortopedia and Traumatología Otorrinolaringología Pathology and Molecular Biology Pediatría Psychiatry and Psychology Reumatología Trasplante Urología Allergies digestive Apparatus Diabetes Diet and health Pregnancy and lactancia Endocrinology cardiovascular Diseases Diseases of the young Diseases and symptoms common Ophtalmology Psychology Health in the man Health in the adolescence Health in the woman Alergología Symptoms Specialty that studies the allergic diseases. Clinical analyses Specialty that studies the composition of the different ones flowed from the organism from the biochemical point of view: blood, tinkles and others. PatológicaEspecialidad anatomy that studies microscopically how they are the cells of each weave of the human body and its abnormal transformation: cancer, degeneration, inflammation, deposits and others. Andrología Specialty that is in charge to take care of the aspects of the sexuality and the human reproduction masculine. A specialty can be considered to multidiscipline in which aspects of endocrinology, urología, laboratory and attended reproduction agree. Anesthesia Specialty in charge to induce and to maintain the anesthesia to allow the operating act. One is also in charge of the resuscitation once concluded this one. It also includes the therapy of the pain. Cardiac (Surgery) Specialty that studies the treatable diseases of the heart by means of operation. Cardiology Specialty that studies the diseases of the heart. Dermatology Specialty that studies the diseases of the skin. Digestive (Surgery) Specialty of the surgery that studies the treatable diseases of the digestive apparatus by means of operation. Also the more frequent general interventions and those of endocrinológica surgery are included in this specialty. Pregnancy, Parto and Lactancia Area of knowledge to multidiscipline that one is in charge of the care of the pregnant woman, attention to the childbirth and puerperio, as well as to promote and to maintain the lactancia maternal. Endocrinology Specialty that studies the diseases derived from the hormonal alterations. Gastroenterology Specialty that studies the diseases of the digestive apparatus, including liver and biliary route. Genetic Specialty that studies the hereditary diseases and the precursory genes of certain diseases. Geriatría dedicated to the medical specific disease and Specialty attention old its. Gynecology Specialty that studies the diseases of the feminine genitals. Hematology Specialty that studies the diseases of the blood. One is also in charge of the blood donation point and the transfusions (hemoterapia). Infectious (Diseases) Specialty that studies the diseases transmitted by diverse microorganisms. An own specialty exists that studies the tropical infections. Medicine of Especialidad Company that studies the acquired diseases or consequence of the labor activity. Also it guards by the fulfillment of the norms of labor security. Sport medicine Specialty that studies the diseases derived from the sport practice. Familiar and Communitarian medicine general, expert Doctor of the most frequent diseases, ordered to treat these processes and able to recognize that ailment that requires one more a specialized attention. He is the doctor who take care of in first instance the community and the one that determines what patient will be seen by a specialist. These doctors have come to occupy the site of the classic attending physician. One is specialists with an ample knowledge of the set of existing diseases and that are able to diagnose and to treat most habitual. Intensive medicine Specialty that is in charge of the attention of the patient in critical state. Internal medicine globalizadora Specialty that are in charge of the study and treatment of any disease that affects any organ, system or apparatus. It does not include the surgery. Preventive medicine Specialty that studies the epidemics, risks of I infect of infections and guards to maintain the correct conditions hygienic of the community. Microbiology Specialty that allows the diagnosis of the infections, allowing to know what germ has caused them. Nefrología Specialty that studies the diseases of the kidney from the medical point of view. Also one is in charge of the ionic alterations (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and of the arterial hypertension. Neonatología Specialty that takes care of just nacido/a in the first hours of extrauterine life and orders of the diseases which they can affect to him, including its intensive monitoring. Neumología Specialty that studies the respiratory diseases of the lung and alterations. Neurosurgery Specialty that studies the treatable diseases of nervous system by means of operation. Neurology Specialty that studies the diseases of nervous system. Nutrition Separated from the endocrinology that studies the alterations derived from the nutricionales habits and guards by the use of a balanced diet. Obstreticia Specialty, together with the Gynecology, that is in charge to take care of normal and pathological the situations that they have to do with the pregnancy, the childbirth and the period immediately subsequent to the childbirth (to see pregnancy, childbirth and lactancia). Odonto-EstomatologíaEspecialidad that studies the diseases of the teeth and their support in the bones maxilares. A differentiated specialty exists that is in charge of the máxilo-face surgery. Ophtalmology Specialty dedicated to the study of the diseases of the eyes and is in charge of its doctor-surgical treatment. Oncología Specialty dedicated to the treatment of the cancer by means of chemotherapy or other medicines. An independent specialty for the treatment with x-ray exists. Ortopedia Specialty that studies the chronic diseases of the apparatus to osteomuscular (bones, joints, ligaments, sinews, muscles) by means of operation. Otorrinolaringología Specialty that studies the diseases of the ear, nose and larynx (throat) and is in charge of its doctor-surgical treatment. Pediatría Specialty that studies any disease that happens during the childhood (until the 14 years). Also it is dedicated to the care of the childhood and the prevention of diseases. Plastic (Surgery) Specialty dedicated to the study and surgical treatment of the alterations of the external appearance of the human body, hereditary or acquired. Also it includes the aesthetic surgery and the repairer. Psychiatry Specialty that studies the mental diseases and the upheavals of conduct. Puericultura Specialty that is in charge of the general care and attention to the boy or the girl in all its evolutionary stages. Radiology Specialty destined to the diagnosis by means of images obtained with x-rayses. The nuclear medicine is another specialty of diagnosis by the image based on radioactive isotopes. Reumatología Specialty that studies the diseases of the bones and the joints from the medical point of view. Torácica (Surgery) Specialty that studies the diseases of the thorax, specially those of the lung, treatable by means of operation. Toxicología Specialty that studies the alterations derived from the consumption or contact with toxic substances. Traumatología Specialty that studies the diseases of the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles treatable consequence of an accident and by means of operation or immobilization Urgencies Specialty that is in charge to take care of the patients who need immediate attention. Once diagnosed they can be transferred the corresponding specialists. Urología Specialty that studies the diseases of the kidney and the urinary tract from the doctor-surgical point of view. Also one is in charge of the masculine genital alterations. Vascular (Surgery) Specialty dedicated to the study of the diseases of the arteries, lymphatic veins and and is in charge of its doctor-surgical treatment.